Pedal Power released

September 4th, 2010

So it DID happen after all! Pedal Power (previously called RaceGame) is now ready for download!

I had some huge troubles with Unity3D and socket communication. It caused alot of delay and is also why the released version of Pedal Power is a Windows build (.exe) and not the browser variant.

But, who cares? Download and have some fun.

Download Pedal Power

HyperDodge Zer0-button

August 8th, 2010

HyperDodge Zer0-button is a modification of HyperDodge SpaceStuff, where all input consists of bare mouse movement; there is no button to be pressed in the entire game! I made this to enter the Experimental Gameplay Project, where the month’s theme was to design a game with zero buttons.

Try it now at GameJolt

project FISH tech-demo

July 18th, 2010

I made a simple movie showing the fundamental gameplay of my newest project. It’s a bit of an experiment and I still haven’t worked out the gameplay, but at least this part is done. See it’s page for a little more info.

Let me know what you think.