The Fishbowl

February 20th, 2011

A quick update just to prove I have done someting in the last couple of months.
The FISH-project is now finally moving along. I’ve decided to call the game The Fishbowl.

I spent alot of time experimenting with different types of movement (like jetpack, grappling hook, etc), but ended up with the good ol’ mario-style of movement. My ambition is to turn this into a puzzle-platformer, a bit in the style of the classic Prince of Persia games, with a strong narrative side-story.
Well, we’ll just have to see which parts will make it to the end 🙂

Pedal Power on 4 bikes

November 15th, 2010

VirtuaGym took 4 bikes and Pedal Power to a fair in Amsterdam. Looks like they had some fun.

Still here

October 31st, 2010

Yes, I know the last update was almost 2 months ago and no, there’s not much progress on the game-side of things, but listen to this:

– KeeWeed got an amazing new logo. It is made by a good friend of mine, Roan van der Kruijf, and I think it looks incredibly cool! 

HyperDodge SpaceStuff was ported to Android by two friends of mine (Jeffrey Klardie and Erik Wallentinsen) and myself. We managed to get it done in just a weekend. Featuring Tilt Control, Touch Control and Online Scoreboards. 
You can get it now on the Market.

– Lately a Czech news website featured an article about Pedal Power, increasing the site traffic with over 1800%. Well, I guess that says something about the general site traffic here, but it’s nice anyway.

– Someone also painted this website green. Oh wait, that was me and it cost my almost half a day… (I’m not a web dev apparently)

So, about games, I’m struggling along with the Fish project. I have experimented with alot of stuff, which is nice, but unfortunately none if it really worked. So, yeah… time to let it go and get on with it. It’s what they call ‘Kill your baby’.