Kill2Kill GameplayDemo released

December 24th, 2009

The Kill2Kill: Lined-up project just made it to it’s first release. This is a demo version, showing off the gameplay of Kill2Kill. It is a stable, very playable version of the game.

Download page: Download Kill2Kill GameplayDemo 
(for Windows XP and up)

As always, I’m very keen on receiving reactions, so please don’t hesitate!

(View in original size)

Hang on, peeps

December 21st, 2009

Just a couple of days before the release of the Kill2Kill gameplay demo. Some technical issues prevented me from releasing it this weekend, but I still intent to have it up before Christmas.

Meantime, keep your fingers warm and flexible! Crazy-ass action is coming to town.

New Kill2Kill screenies!

November 16th, 2009

Check out Kill2Kill: Lined-up in it’s current state:

Keep in mind screenshots don’t show any gameplay.

But a gameplay demo does! And that’s exactly what’s coming up next. It will be the first playable version of Kill 2 Kill: Lined-up. With the expected release to be in a month, you can be sure you got something to shoot this Christmas!